Little Minx

Little Minx is a promotional organization founded by Rhea Scott in 1998 and partnered with Ridley Scott Associates. It works on creating artistic and commercial opportunities for its young directors of commercial and feature films. Little Minx directors have been spotlighted by the Saatchi & Saatchi Young Directors Showcase in Cannes and have won Grammy, Billboard Music Video, MTV, MVPA, AICP and The Teen Choice Awards.


Exquisite Corpse

In 2007, Little Minx collaborated with Jacqueline Bosnjak and Mark Beukes of New York-based IDEALOGUE to create a 21st century version of the early 1900s parlour game Exquisite Corpse. Drawing inspiration from the game's unique structure, Little Minx's founder Rhea Scott worked with IDEALOGUE guardians Jacqueline Bosnjak and Mark Beukes to determine how to approach the content-driven, non-linear narrative structure. The experiment included distributing of the content across multiple platforms, including iPod, iPhone, and Sony PSP.

Rules were established for the film series. Each director had to pick up where the other one left off, carrying over the last line of the script from the preceding film. The director also had to represent "Little Minx" at some point in their short film.

Little Minx and Idealogue hired British designer David Pearson to create a film poster for the "Exquisite Corpse" series.


With The Eyes Of Every Man Riveted Upon Her — Directed by Laurent Briet. Summary: That your field is boxing or rope jumping, there will be a time when you meet a challenge that is more than you can chew. Fail to realize that, and you're knocked out.

She Turns Back and Faces Forward At Peace — Directed by Chris Nelson. Summary: An ordinary looking girl (Cara Failer) will try a different approach than the one her mother taught her, to defeat the competitors at the casting audition she's attending.

She Walked Calmly Disappearing Into The Darkness — Directed by Malik Hassan Sayeed. Summary: While a boy lies in a hospital bed, we see glimpses of the shooting in which he was injured. Soundtrack by Drazen Bosnjak of Q Department.

Without Missing A Beat, She Asks, "Waffles For Breakfast? — Directed by Josh Miller. Summary: Rest assured that, just because you've won that hand of poker, it doesn't mean your life ain't gonna suck anymore.

And She Stares Longingly At What She Has Lost A.K.A. Come Wander With Me — Directed by Phillip Van. Summary: A tale of innocence lost and never regained. In 2007, Phillip Van was named one of SHOOT magazine's Up & Coming Directors and one of "25 New Faces of Independent Film" by Filmmaker magazine.[1]


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